Monday, October 25, 2010

Movie Reviews

Anyone who knows me knows I love movies! I really do. I don't know if its the stories, the visuals, the escape, all of the above; but there is nothing better to me than after a long stressful day (or week) of work cuddling up either in bed or in a theater and getting transported into a new time/place for a few hours.

I watch a good number of them a month. Netflix - greatest invention ever! So I thought every month or two doing a movie review post could be fun. From now on I'll take better notes of what I actually see, but for this post will have to do it by memory.

In theaters
I really enjoyed it. It was a longer movie (almost 2 hours), but it did not seem drawn out at all. And I didn't get up to use the bathroom at all (a big deal for me, tiny tiny bladder). Along with the action, it was hysterical. I was laughing basically from start to finish. John Malkovich makes the movie. His character had me crying at one point I was laughing so hard. This movie is definitely a must see! Even though its an action move, I'd say renting it and seeing it on a regular TV would be just as good.

The Social Network
In theaters
I had been putting off seeing this movie. Yes I have a facebook account, but No I did not want to spend the money to see a movie about it. I was surprisingly pleased with the movie though. The actor who played Mark Zuckerberg
, Jesse Eisenberg, did a superb job (side note, does anyone know if the real life person Mark has Asperger's syndrome?). The fact that I lived through a lot of the movie (I will clarify this statement in a second), made it even more interesting. Mark Zuckerberg is about my age and we were in collage the same time (not at the same school). I remember when my friends at Harvard and then Columbia would talk about this TheFacebook thing. When it finally came to my school - quite a while later - I remember everyone skipping classes to make an account. Recommend. But can definitely watch at home. Wait until Netflix.

The Human Centipede
I want to preface this with I had absolutely NO desire to watch this movie what so ever. I had actually heard about it from my Dad, and after his mini description thought hell no! MrGrizz really wanted to see it and it was on instant watch on Netflix. It was late (I always fall asleep at late night movies in bed, always!), so I figured I'd probably be asleep shortly after the credits anyway, so why not. And I will admit, I was really curious to see what it actually looked like!! There were some definite GROSS parts. But mostly inferred grossness not outright showing you it (does that make sense). I was a little disappointed in what the human centipede actually looked like. If you are really interested, I'd suggest Google-ing it instead of wasting the time to watch the movie. In my opinion, this movie can be skipped.

In Theaters
I am usually disappointed with M Night Shyamalan movies, but I can say I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I mean, yes, of course some parts were predictable and it did have a creepiness factor to it. Its hard to talk about the movie without giving it away. When its on one of the movie channels or on Netflix instant queue, I'd say go for it.

The Expendables
In Theaters
I better have gotten brownie points for seeing this with MrGrizz. It is a total guy's action movie. Lots of violence. Not really any naked women. And lots and lots of killing. I wasn't bored while seeing it, and was mildly entertained. If you need to say I'm sorry to your (male) SO or want to make him really happy: Rent this.

The Other Guys
In Theaters
I will be completely honest, I had a full out panic attack while watching this movie. I vaguely remember the premise. It would be unfair to critique it all, because when I think of this movie all I remember is thinking I was dying the whole time. I did calm down a bit for the ending credits - really nicely done. Ha. When it comes out on DVD Ill try and watch it again.

Wow, I watch too many movies. Here are some other ones that came out recently on DVD recently that I've seen...
Iron Man 2: Go see it. Amazing. Just as great as I remember it from the theater.
A Nightmare on Elm Street: Neat graphics.Pretty good remake. Not too scary.
Letters to Juliet: Chick flick. Good if you want to turn your brain off for a little. Not believable storyline though.
Get Him to the Greek: I saw this in the theater so I don't remember specifics. I remember laughing a lot. And not hating it. Will put you in a good mood.
Predators: See description for The Expendables. Ha.

Ok maybe Ill do these a little more often so I don't have to write a novel each time! What movies have you seen recently that you: love, hate, fell asleep through?

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