Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Me and My Extravagant Birthday Wishes

My birthday is coming up next month. I am still not sure how exactly to feel about this. I mean twenty-five just sounds old! No really. Say it outloud: Twenty Five. Sounds so much more "adult" than twenty-four. It sounds like I should have a real job (graduate school does not count, uncheck), a house (nope), at least an apartment (nope again). I can honestly say I have only had a minor nervous breakdown for one birthday, when I turned 20. It was a huge mind-game, not being a teenager anymore.

In order to keep my mind off of the impending old age, ha, I will put together a birthday present wish list. Now it may be important to add, I am the worst person for which to buy gifts! I do not really need anything. And if I really want something, I get it myself. Oh, and I am INCREDIBLY picky. It is so bad. I mean I am so appreciative if I am gifted anything. I really do not expect it. And then I feel so guilty when I don't love it. It's bad.

Alas, here is my oh-so-extravagant dream present list:

  • A trip to some tropical destination: Tahiti? St Barths? Aruba? Hawaii? Any place with clear water, great food, snorkeling, and relaxation. Perhaps, a cruise?

  • Macy's Le Vian Gold Lemon Quartz ring. Does this remind anyone else of Dynasty?! So gaudy and over the top. Love. I'm a size 7-7.5 ring in case anyone was wondering.
  • A fancy digital SLR camera. I love taking pictures. But am not so great at it. Maybe a nice camera would help!
  • Speaking of photography. I have a few friends that are great photographers. I am, however, not the most photogenic. This is true. I love the way I look, not in pictures. But then viola, I end up looking horrible in the prints. Not so good. So, a real live photo-shoot would be a great present!! I would love to have some nice artsy (good) photos of me. Ha, vain much?!
  • All the past seasons of Dexter on DVD. Hm, nevermind. Take this off my extravagant wish list, as this is not what I would consider that by any means. Plus, I think I am going to buy this for myself, or ask my Mum to get it for me for Hanukkah.
  • A hiking/safari trip up Kilimanjaro.
  • A Lori Earley print. I am especially drawn to "Caterpillar Dream" or "The Parting."
  • Did I mention a vacation?!
Hmmm. That is all I can think of off the top of my head.

1 comment:

  1. I know this post is old, but I came across it from Jenna's blog and wanted to say hi! And also, that all of those things sound AMAZING and I hope you got at least one of them for your bday! :)
