Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekend Brain Dump

Oh, where to begin...
Happy July 4th
(a few days late)

So, it was an interesting weekend to say the least. To start, I totally cracked. If you read my previous post about the birthday present that I got for MrGrizz - 4 months early - you will know that I get so freaking excited about presents that I cannot keep a secret. And I am a horrible liar, even just with lying by omission. On Monday, after the weekend that I put MrGrizz through (more to come on that in a second), I had JT bring over his present when they stopped by for pizza/movie afternoon.

We sent MrGrizz and T out to grab the pizza, so J and I could grab the guitar out of the car. I had no idea what to do with it. So I not so stealthily put it upstairs in the bedroom, on the bed. Fast forward to after we finished our scrumptious cheesy pizza, we were about to start "Hot Tub Time Machine" when I told MrGrizz that I needed to see him upstairs for a second. JT were trying to contain their giggles. As MrGrizz was coming up the stairs and saw that the bedroom door was shut, he had this look on his face and I just knew, he knew! So I opened the door, Ta-Da! He seemed pleased. Played with the guitar for a bit. Gave me a huge hug. Asked if I really couldn't have waited more than a week to give it to him. Then I asked... How did he know?!?

Apparently, J and I were not so stealth when I pulled her aside the night that he saw the pretty shiny new toy. And by an odd twist of fate, he actually drove past the music store (it happens once in a blue moon that he has to go out that way, unless visiting JT) and saw that is was in fact not there. I have to admit though, I was a little disappointed by his reaction. I mean I don't know what I was expecting. But I was a bit let down. I am kind of worried, he doesn't actually like the gift. The rest of the day yesterday I kept asking him if he was pleased. He said he was. I don't know, maybe i expected jumping jacks or screams of excitement. I blame J for this. When I originally told her about the idea and asked her opinion, she said that MrGrizz would FLIP OUT and probably propose after he saw how awesome I am. J, not a good thing to say. Ha.

Ok. Rewind. To the part of the weekend I am a bit embarrassed to explain...

I have no idea what was wrong with me. Last week I was having a really hard time sleeping. Usually NEVER a problem for me. When I don't sleep, I turn into a crank monster. Needless to say, I was not the happiest of camper's last week to begin with. Then midweek we got some very exciting news! PresD got into Havard Law School!!! Yay!!! On Friday, as I was driving to MrGrizz's house I was talking to PresD (on my hands free blue tooth) and suddenly started crying. I mean full on ugly cry. I was feeling really anxious about him moving to Boston; he is currently, and has been since he moved out of the house in Philadelphia. So while I didn't see him everyday, I always had the option. This pretty much set the stage for the rest of the weekend. It was a sobfest. At the drop of a hat, for no reason at all, I would start crying. Before you ask, yes it was "that time of the month." But I am normally a trooper and never get like this. I think it was a combination of lack of sleep, a stressful time at work, my hormones being completely out of whack, and just my generally propensity for craziness.

A big THANK YOU goes out to MrGrizz for putting up with my puffy eyed face for the weekend.

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