Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sparkly Things

This is a few weeks late. Oops. But...

VetChick got engaged!!! VetChick got engaged. Oh yes, VetChick got engaged! WooHoo!!!

Can you tell I am a bit excited. VetChick and soon to be MrVetChick have been together for 6 years. Yes, 6 years. She was completely shocked. As was I. Yes, I was there. Along with our closest friends. It was so them. And so special. And yes, I cried. Well the actual proposal wasn't in front of everyone; MrVetChick pulled her aside. I am so unbelievably happen for them.

It kind of got me thinking. About a few things. Well OK who am I kidding. It got me thinking about rings. I know, I know, an engagement should be about the marriage. NOT a wedding, and definitely NOT a piece of jewelry. I often joke that when the time comes I would like an engagement house.

However unfortunate, I don't think our society takes an engagement seriously unless there is a ring on the woman's finger. I have some friends who are in fact engaged and they have decided to either forgo the ring all together. Or want to wait until its financially feasible. In both cases, when the actual wedding planning started both family, friends and vendors alike did not take the couple seriously. This could turn into an entire post about how I think some people are more interested in a party (IE the wedding) than the marriage.

But back to the topic at hand. And yes, call me a hypocrite - because despite my feelings presented above and how I HATE that as soon as someone announces they are engaged the next question is always ' can I see the ring' - but I want to talk sparkly things. Or what normal people call engagement rings.

I was never the one to think about what my wedding or engagement would be like. And definitely not an engagement ring. I am so picky when it comes to jewelry as it is. I would be really scared to have my significant other pick out such an important piece. Something that I would wear forever and pass down to my children.

I also have awkwardly shaped hands. Little fat stumpy fingers. Some rings look just plain bizarre on my hand. What if there is a style ring I like, and explain it to a friend to help this supposed SO that is going to propose, but then it looks awful on my hand?! Am I supposed to try some on myself and then pass the word along? This whole ring debacle confuses me to no end.

There are some that I like to look at though!

The engagement ring that Vampire Bill gives Sookie in True Blood:


I think there is something so magical about antique-looking rings. Does anyone have a non-diamond ring? Ive always liked the idea of a white sapphire. Maybe this is because I want a bigger stone (due to the fat fingers), and I wouldn't want to spend so much money on a diamond when it could go towards a down payment on a house.


Who am I kidding: I am more than a little "out of the box." So why not have that reflected in the ring. East/West Oval setting anyone?


... And I'm spent.

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